Thursday, July 05, 2007

Simple Guide to Social Networking from the Commoncraft Gang

A big thank you to Rachel Boyd from NZ for spotting Commoncraft's latest easy guide in a recent blog post.

These CommonCraft guides are ideal for those who are uncertain/newbies or anyone looking for the bare bones of how some familiar Web 2.0 tools work... thanks to Lee Lefever at Commoncraft for this latest gem...


Rachel Boyd said...

These videos are just SO great aren't they! Just something powerful about the simplicity of how they are made!

It's also on You Tube etc

Cheers, Rachel

Mr Harrington said...

Rachel thank you for finding it, I agree they are simple and very effective :)

A dear friend

It seems very apt to be writing this blog post in tribute to a dear, dear friend. The world has lost a true global educational  IT innovator...